Website Disclaimer

The information available on this website, including texts, graphics, images contained or available through this website, are general in nature. I am a registered and licensed dietitian but do not know your specific needs and am unable to speak to those directly in a website.

The Intuitive Dietitian is not intended as medical advice or to replace a need in seeking medical advice.

The Intuitive Dietitian assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information available on this site as information is subject to change.  You are encouraged to review and confirm information and consider your specific, individual needs. Do not delay or disregard medical advice because of something you read on this site.

Testimonials appearing on this site:

Testimonials are received via text, audio or video submission.  They are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those that have used my products and/or services in some way or another.  However, they are individual results and results may vary.