Breaking the All or Nothing Mindset

In the world of nutrition, it's easy to fall into an “all-or-nothing” mindset: either you're eating perfectly or you’ve completely fallen off track. This black-and-white thinking can make the allure of diets appealing but also impossible to sustain. These 6 tips explore how to build healthy habits without the all or nothing mindset.

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Kristen B
Grace During Stress: Self Care While You’re Busy

What is the right balance to caring for our mental and physical health during periods of stress? Embracing grace during stress and prioritizing self-care can make a significant difference in maintaining our well-being and fostering resilience. Dig into some practical tips from a therapist and nutritionist!

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Kristen B
Food and Mood: Top 3 Emotion and Eating Tips

What if there was a way to prevent these mood swings and maintain our emotions with our eating? In this blog, I’ll explore how adopting a balanced nutrition plan can help you avoid the pitfalls of hanger and keep your emotions in check. By understanding the connection between diet and mood, you can make informed choices that support both your physical health and emotional resilience. Let’s dive into the science of nutrition and discover practical tips to keep hanger at bay and promote a more balanced, harmonious life

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Kristen B
The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Pantry

Are you shopping for each week’s groceries as your pantry items slowly wither away, hidden in the back? How can you build a healthy pantry that serves you and your family in time and nutrition? Find the ultimate guide to a healthy pantry from a professional organizer and nutritionist!

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Kristen B
Best Strategies for ADHD Meal Planning

Dinnertime decision paralysis can make meal planning so crucial, particularly ADHD Meal planning. ADHD or any other neuro spicy mind benefits from the framework of meal planning. As an intuitive eating counselor, many of my clients are seeking ways to enjoy food and feel more intuitive. The idea of a meal plan may not sound sexy or intuitive. How can we bring in aspects of a more intuitive approach while maintaining a framework for ADHD Meal Planning?

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Kristen B
3 Ways to Find Your Mindful Moments

Mindful Moments are the small things that happen in the present. Be on the look out for the small joys in the day instead of waiting for the grand events.

By cultivating mindfulness, we create a mental space that allows us to fully experience and appreciate the richness of life. This ultimately leads to a greater sense of happiness and well-being. 

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Kristen B
New Year, New You?!?

January marks the month of fresh starts. Our social media is flooded with diet ads and gym classes are now full of eager, new participants.  After the chaos and food centered festivities of December it is no wonder that this feeling of fresh starts feels welcoming!

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Kristen B
Mindful Habits for 3 Common Holiday Pitfalls

The holidays don't have to be a time when your wellness goals are put on hold. With a few adjustments, you can navigate the season's stresses while still engaging in the festive spirit. Try these mindful habits this holiday season to combat some of the most common pitfalls.

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Kristen B
Does Sugar Make My Child Hyperactive?

The idea that sugar can make children hyperactive is a commonly held belief, but scientific research does not support this claim. Multiple studies have examined the relationship between sugar consumption and hyperactivity in children, and the consensus is that there is no direct causal link between the two.

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Kristen B
Gaining Weight During Menopause

Gaining weight during menopause may be the most talked about symptom of this season of life. It is a very common concern for women…all women.   Yes, we live in a very diet centered culture that appreciates the standard of ‘thin’ so weight gain is noticed.  Maybe you have always felt fairly body positive and but now this new menopausal body doesn’t feel like “you” or how you see yourself.  It’s difficult to navigate the change in physical shape with how we identify. 

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Kristen B
Need Help With Foods That Make You Sleepy?

Sleep and nutrition are intricately linked. Poor sleep can increase cravings and hunger. On the other hand, there are several foods and drinks that can impact the quality and amount of zzz’s you get. Lifestyle and dietary choices like when to enjoy caffeine, and what foods and drinks promote better sleep (and which do the opposite) are nutrition strategies to consider if you’re trying to get more, and better quality sleep.

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Kristen B
5 Back To School Meal Prep Strategies

One important strategy to lighten your load this school season is your meal prep strategy. In this post we will explore five strategies for back-to-school meal prep that will save you time and energy. Plus, you’ll love that your family is eating well. 5 Meal Prep Strategies from a registered dietitian that your family will actually love.

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Kristen B
Let's Bust Some Myths About Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are not lifestyle choices!

They’re not your standard concerns about health, weight, and nutrition. Eating disorders involve problematic eating behaviors and distorted body image, and can  often result in serious nutrient deficiencies. They can lead to dangerous medical complications of the heart, kidney, liver, brain, lung, gastrointestinal, metabolic, skin, hormone, teeth, blood, and bone. In some cases, eating disorders can lead to death. One interesting aspect of this disease, the person may be medically (and/or psychologically) ill but appear ‘healthy’ to others and in fact be complimented on how well they appear to be functioning and looking.

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Kristen B
Fish in Your Diet...It's a No BRAINer

I’m going to cut through the confusion and tell you about some of the nutrients found in seafood (including the famous “omega-3” fats), who should avoid which types of seafood (hint: not everyone), and let you in on some pro tips on selecting the healthiest seafood. Let’s begin by summarizing the impressive health benefits of eating seafood. 

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Kristen B